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Stylin' Hand-Crafted Wooden Vespa That's Fully-Functional - My Modern Metropolis : 'via Blog this'
‘Out of Hand,’ a Survey of Computer-Assisted Art - : 'via Blog this'
The white hands arrived in the post today, I suspect they were not originally white, but they look good just the same..
The new white hands on the black dial. I love white on black, it reminds me of the dials in my dad's cars, not sure if I prefer it to t...
I'm going through some illustration ideas for my prints, this is probably too bright for what I wanted to use it for, but I like it! ...
I am gathering research for an exhibition of solarplate prints, the outlying theme is to do with migration, a very hot topic locally and glo...
Labels Cloud
- 16v
- 1936
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- 1990s
- 20:50
- 2013
- 2013 at 10:02PM
- 500
- 70s
- 7A28
- 7A28 7020
- 7A28 703L
- 900
- A View To A Kill
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- agents
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- best in class
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- biennale de lyon
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- bike
- bird
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- bloomberg
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- chrono
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- clarke
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- classic
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- clock
- club
- collage
- colour
- columbo
- competition
- contempoaray
- contemporaries
- contemporary
- costa concordia
- creativity
- creators
- custom
- cut-away
- cyan
- cyanotype
- cycles
- D-type
- dad
- daiichi
- daily
- dance
- daniel libeskind
- dario
- Dave
- dead
- deck
- definition
- Deleuze et les idées
- delivery
- design
- dimensions
- disaster
- dog
- drawing
- dreich
- drizzle
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- europe
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- extra
- F1
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- fair
- fall
- famous
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- fast
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- festival
- fiat
- film
- filth
- fiona banner
- first
- fish
- flares
- food
- ford
- formula 1
- forum
- france
- franchitti
- franken
- freaky funk
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- fresh
- frick collection
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- friends
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- fruitmarket
- fukushima
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- fungi
- funk
- funk off
- funk trunk
- funk you up
- funky monkey
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- future
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- garlic
- geometric
- george orwell
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- gifts
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- glasgow
- global
- Godard for Sarajevo
- golf
- good looking
- gorgeous
- Goya
- grey
- grid
- guernica magazine
- hampsted
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- health
- helio
- helmet
- heritage
- highlights
- hilarious
- hip hop
- Hipster
- hobart
- hong kong
- hornet
- horny
- hot
- house
- houston
- hybrid
- hypnotise
- ignobels
- illustration
- illustrator
- image
- indianapolis
- indy
- infiniti
- innovation
- Institute Benjamenta
- intaglio
- interview
- invisible
- irvine welsh
- island
- italian
- italy
- jacuzzi
- jaguar
- James Bond
- james mcavoy
- jan erik waider
- Jane Campion & Hilmar
- jenny holzer
- jewel
- jewels
- jim
- jim broadbent
- johhny cash
- joke
- jokes
- jonwayne
- José Guadalupe Posada
- Julian Sutherland-Beatson
- juxtapoz
- kate heiss
- Kelly McGonigal
- kensington
- land rover
- laptop funkers
- laser
- last good tooth
- latin
- laugh
- le mans
- life
- light
- Lincoln
- lindsay kelk
- livescience
- locomotives
- lol
- lolz
- london
- london elektric
- lotus
- love
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- map
- matthew cusick
- Maya Deren
- mexicanas
- Michael Schumaker
- migration
- Mike hawthorn
- miniature
- Miss Misery
- mk1
- modern
- modified
- moebius
- monza
- mother funker
- movement
- movies
- moving
- mull
- museum
- Museum of fine arts
- mushroom
- music
- Mustang
- nasa
- nature
- neon
- neurology
- new
- new town
- new york
- Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
- ninja tune
- noir
- nuclear
- ny
- October 22
- octopus
- oil
- oil painting
- overlay
- oy oy oy
- packaging
- packing
- page
- paint
- painting
- paper
- paris
- pattern
- peking
- pencil
- people
- personal
- pet
- pheasant
- photograph
- photographs
- photography
- photoshop
- physics
- podcast
- politics
- porsche
- post
- posters
- Prado
- prank
- preview
- print making
- printmakers
- printmaking
- prints
- project
- quantum
- quartz
- quattro
- quora
- racer
- racing
- radio 4
- radio show
- rally
- Range rover
- rays
- red
- red bull
- Rene Magritte
- restoration
- review
- richard d james
- richard wislon
- ride
- Robert De Niro
- rolls royce
- room
- roots
- royal mile
- s turbo
- S1
- Saab
- saint etienne
- salvage
- satellite
- satin
- scarf
- scene
- science
- scientific american
- scotland
- scottish
- scottish blue
- screaming
- screenprint
- sculpture
- sea
- Sebastian vettel
- Seiko
- select
- send
- send your enemies
- send your enemies packing
- send your friends
- september
- service
- ship
- shite
- shot
- show
- shows
- sidewalk surfer
- size
- skate
- skateboard
- skater
- sky
- socail media
- solar
- solarplate
- solid steel
- sound
- soundcloud
- spa
- space
- spanish
- speed
- sport
- springer spaniel
- story
- streamline
- stress
- study
- style
- styling
- stylised
- styrofoam
- summer
- sun
- sunny
- swing
- Sydney
- syria
- talenthouse
- talk
- tate
- team
- teardrop
- technology
- terrible
- the creators project
- the fox in the forest
- the Horror
- the sunday times
- think
- thoughtful
- time
- time-lapse
- tobermory
- top
- torino
- track
- trains
- tramway
- tt
- tune
- UK
- Uncategorized
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- vector
- video
- village
- vintage
- volkswagen
- VW
- walkies
- wallpaer
- war
- watch
- water
- weather
- website
- week
- wellbeing
- Werner Herzog
- white
- whitewalls
- wildlife
- wing
- wolseley
- work
- yum
Labels List Numbered
- 16v
- 1936
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1980
- 1980s
- 1983
- 1990s
- 20:50
- 2013
- 2013 at 10:02PM
- 500
- 70s
- 7A28
- 7A28 7020
- 7A28 703L
- 900
- A View To A Kill
- acrylic
- agents
- Ai Weiwei
- alfa romeo
- alien
- aluminium
- america
- anglia
- antibes
- aphex twin
- appropriation
- architect
- architecture
- art
- art deco
- artfinder
- artforum
- artinfo
- artisit
- artist
- au rouge
- Audi
- australia
- auto
- autumn
- awards
- baby
- ball
- bbc
- beach
- beautiful
- beautiful Grandrieux
- behance
- bentley
- berlin
- best in class
- bezier
- biennale de lyon
- big brother
- bike
- bird
- birds
- birthday
- bishop
- black
- bloomberg
- blue
- bmw
- Boano
- board
- Bob
- book
- bookd
- box
- brain
- brainpickings
- buddy
- building
- calgary art in nature
- california
- calve
- camper
- canvas
- car
- cardboard
- carrozzeria
- castle combe
- cat
- champ
- chicken
- chilli
- china
- chinese
- christmas
- chrono
- chronograph
- circuit
- city
- civil
- clarke
- class
- classic
- classy
- clock
- club
- collage
- colour
- columbo
- competition
- contempoaray
- contemporaries
- contemporary
- costa concordia
- creativity
- creators
- custom
- cut-away
- cyan
- cyanotype
- cycles
- D-type
- dad
- daiichi
- daily
- dance
- daniel libeskind
- dario
- Dave
- dead
- deck
- definition
- Deleuze et les idées
- delivery
- design
- dimensions
- disaster
- dog
- drawing
- dreich
- drizzle
- dumped
- eastern
- ecosse
- ecurie
- edinburgh
- eggs
- ellsworth kelly
- embarrassing
- enemies
- engine oil
- engraving
- estate
- europe
- exhaust
- exhibition
- exhibitions
- extra
- F1
- face
- fair
- fall
- famous
- fashion
- fast
- ferrari
- festival
- fiat
- film
- filth
- fiona banner
- first
- fish
- flares
- food
- ford
- formula 1
- forum
- france
- franchitti
- franken
- freaky funk
- free
- fresh
- frick collection
- friend
- friends
- frittata
- fruitmarket
- fukushima
- fun
- fungi
- funk
- funk off
- funk trunk
- funk you up
- funky monkey
- funny
- future
- gallerist
- gallery
- garlic
- geometric
- george orwell
- german
- gifts
- girl
- girls
- glasgow
- global
- Godard for Sarajevo
- golf
- good looking
- gorgeous
- Goya
- grey
- grid
- guernica magazine
- hampsted
- happiness
- health
- helio
- helmet
- heritage
- highlights
- hilarious
- hip hop
- Hipster
- hobart
- hong kong
- hornet
- horny
- hot
- house
- houston
- hybrid
- hypnotise
- ignobels
- illustration
- illustrator
- image
- indianapolis
- indy
- infiniti
- innovation
- Institute Benjamenta
- intaglio
- interview
- invisible
- irvine welsh
- island
- italian
- italy
- jacuzzi
- jaguar
- James Bond
- james mcavoy
- jan erik waider
- Jane Campion & Hilmar
- jenny holzer
- jewel
- jewels
- jim
- jim broadbent
- johhny cash
- joke
- jokes
- jonwayne
- José Guadalupe Posada
- Julian Sutherland-Beatson
- juxtapoz
- kate heiss
- Kelly McGonigal
- kensington
- land rover
- laptop funkers
- laser
- last good tooth
- latin
- laugh
- le mans
- life
- light
- Lincoln
- lindsay kelk
- livescience
- locomotives
- lol
- lolz
- london
- london elektric
- lotus
- love
- lovers
- map
- matthew cusick
- Maya Deren
- mexicanas
- Michael Schumaker
- migration
- Mike hawthorn
- miniature
- Miss Misery
- mk1
- modern
- modified
- moebius
- monza
- mother funker
- movement
- movies
- moving
- mull
- museum
- Museum of fine arts
- mushroom
- music
- Mustang
- nasa
- nature
- neon
- neurology
- new
- new town
- new york
- Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
- ninja tune
- noir
- nuclear
- ny
- October 22
- octopus
- oil
- oil painting
- overlay
- oy oy oy
- packaging
- packing
- page
- paint
- painting
- paper
- paris
- pattern
- peking
- pencil
- people
- personal
- pet
- pheasant
- photograph
- photographs
- photography
- photoshop
- physics
- podcast
- politics
- porsche
- post
- posters
- Prado
- prank
- preview
- print making
- printmakers
- printmaking
- prints
- project
- quantum
- quartz
- quattro
- quora
- racer
- racing
- radio 4
- radio show
- rally
- Range rover
- rays
- red
- red bull
- Rene Magritte
- restoration
- review
- richard d james
- richard wislon
- ride
- Robert De Niro
- rolls royce
- room
- roots
- royal mile
- s turbo
- S1
- Saab
- saint etienne
- salvage
- satellite
- satin
- scarf
- scene
- science
- scientific american
- scotland
- scottish
- scottish blue
- screaming
- screenprint
- sculpture
- sea
- Sebastian vettel
- Seiko
- select
- send
- send your enemies
- send your enemies packing
- send your friends
- september
- service
- ship
- shite
- shot
- show
- shows
- sidewalk surfer
- size
- skate
- skateboard
- skater
- sky
- socail media
- solar
- solarplate
- solid steel
- sound
- soundcloud
- spa
- space
- spanish
- speed
- sport
- springer spaniel
- story
- streamline
- stress
- study
- style
- styling
- stylised
- styrofoam
- summer
- sun
- sunny
- swing
- Sydney
- syria
- talenthouse
- talk
- tate
- team
- teardrop
- technology
- terrible
- the creators project
- the fox in the forest
- the Horror
- the sunday times
- think
- thoughtful
- time
- time-lapse
- tobermory
- top
- torino
- track
- trains
- tramway
- tt
- tune
- UK
- Uncategorized
- van
- vector
- video
- village
- vintage
- volkswagen
- VW
- walkies
- wallpaer
- war
- watch
- water
- weather
- website
- week
- wellbeing
- Werner Herzog
- white
- whitewalls
- wildlife
- wing
- wolseley
- work
- yum
Video of the day
Blog Archive
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- Dark Edinburgh by Scott Liddell « Central Station
- Small Sun Custom: Smallsun Royal Enfield Shipment ...
- News: Vettel and Buemi take GEOX shoe prize winner...
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- BLOUIN Lifestyle Pick: Style Guide for Fall VIP Ar...
- politics as usual - / scene & herd
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- The Magic and Logic of Color: How Josef Albers Rev...
- | gaviotacoast: In 2004-2005 at the No...
- | V-Dub style.
- Kate Moss Has Released A Single
- A couple of prints I've put together from today's ...
- I think someone wants to go for a walk...
- Summer is back!
- The Blue Bay by Calum Hall | Artfinder
- The Tennant Gallery - Exhibitions - Royal Academy ...
- minke whale sighting off Mull 27th sept 2013
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- Bloomberg New Contemporaries
- Tramway Artists’ Moving Image Festival 2013
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- Arctic Poppy Chronicles at the V&A
- Incredibly good looking clocks and watches!
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- Air Frog - Bon Voyage
- Beautiful photography by Jan Erik Waider
- Motion Theater
- Green Eyes
- Franchitti Drives Jim Clarks Indy-Winning Lotus 38...
- 1955 Lincoln Indianapolis Exclusive Study by Carro...
- Excellent work on Dead Hipster Facebook page
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- How to Understand the Deep Structures of Language:...
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- Jenny Holzer. First exhibition in Hong Kong
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- Calaveras Mexicanas: The Art and Influence of José...
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