0 Unknown Exposing another Solarplate This is another step by step of exposing a solarplate, it's such a quick and brilliant process...... ... 0 Comments 0 Unknown Solarplate Exhibition This is the collection of prints produced for my exhibition held in September, many are the first test prints. Absolutely loved doing these ... 0 Comments 0 Unknown My first Solarplate prints Here's a quick run through of the plates I printed for an exhibition I had in September 2010. I had been to an exhibition of beautiful P... 0 Comments Newer Posts Home About Me Popular Posts Breach - Everything You Never Had (We Had It All) (Ft. Andreya Triana) (... Je Suis Un Rock Star (Si Si ) Bill Wyman Stylin' Hand-Crafted Wooden Vespa That's Fully-Functional - My Modern Metropolis Stylin' Hand-Crafted Wooden Vespa That's Fully-Functional - My Modern Metropolis : 'via Blog this' ‘Out of Hand,’ a Survey of Computer-Assisted Art - NYTimes.com ‘Out of Hand,’ a Survey of Computer-Assisted Art - NYTimes.com : 'via Blog this' Landy Marcel Christ - Still Life Photographer Marcel Christ - Still Life Photographer : 'via Blog this' Seiko 7A28 703L white hands The white hands arrived in the post today, I suspect they were not originally white, but they look good just the same.. Seiko 7A28 703L The new white hands on the black dial. I love white on black, it reminds me of the dials in my dad's cars, not sure if I prefer it to t... Background illustrations I'm going through some illustration ideas for my prints, this is probably too bright for what I wanted to use it for, but I like it! ... My obsession with fish continues I am gathering research for an exhibition of solarplate prints, the outlying theme is to do with migration, a very hot topic locally and glo... ADs Labels Cloud 16v 1936 1950s 1960s 1980 1980s 1983 1990s 20:50 2013 2013 at 10:02PM 500 70s 7A28 7A28 7020 7A28 703L 900 A View To A Kill acrylic agents Ai Weiwei alfa romeo alien aluminium america anglia antibes aphex twin appropriation architect architecture art art deco artfinder artforum artinfo artisit artist au rouge Audi australia auto autumn awards baby ball bbc beach beautiful beautiful Grandrieux behance bentley berlin best in class bezier biennale de lyon big brother bike bird birds birthday bishop black bloomberg blue bmw Boano board Bob book bookd box brain brainpickings buddy building calgary art in nature california calve camper canvas car cardboard carrozzeria castle combe cat champ chicken chilli china chinese christmas chrono chronograph circuit city civil clarke class classic classy clock club collage colour columbo competition contempoaray contemporaries contemporary costa concordia creativity creators custom cut-away cyan cyanotype cycles D-type dad daiichi daily dance daniel libeskind dario Dave dead deck definition Deleuze et les idées delivery design dimensions disaster dog drawing dreich drizzle dumped eastern ecosse ecurie edinburgh eggs ellsworth kelly embarrassing enemies engine oil engraving estate europe exhaust exhibition exhibitions extra F1 face facebook fair fall famous fashion fast ferrari festival fiat film filth fiona banner first fish flares food ford formula 1 forum france franchitti franken freaky funk free fresh frick collection friend friends frittata fruitmarket fukushima fun fungi funk funk off funk trunk funk you up funky monkey funny future gallerist gallery garlic geometric george orwell german gifts girl girls glasgow global Godard for Sarajevo golf good looking gorgeous Goya grey grid GTI guernica magazine hampsted happiness health helio helmet heritage highlights hilarious hip hop Hipster hobart hong kong hornet horny hot house houston hybrid hypnotise ICA ignobels illustration illustrator image indianapolis indy infiniti innovation Institute Benjamenta intaglio interview invisible irvine welsh island italian italy jacuzzi jaguar James Bond james mcavoy jan erik waider Jane Campion & Hilmar jenny holzer jewel jewels jim jim broadbent johhny cash joke jokes jonwayne José Guadalupe Posada Julian Sutherland-Beatson juxtapoz kate heiss Kelly McGonigal kensington land rover laptop funkers laser last good tooth latin laugh le mans life light Lincoln lindsay kelk livescience locomotives lol lolz london london elektric lotus love lovers map matthew cusick Maya Deren mexicanas Michael Schumaker migration Mike hawthorn miniature Miss Misery mk1 modern modified moebius MONA monza mother funker movement movies moving mull museum Museum of fine arts mushroom music Mustang nasa nature neon neurology new new town new york Nick Cave & Warren Ellis ninja tune noir nuclear ny October 22 octopus oil oil painting overlay oy oy oy packaging packing page paint painting paper paris pattern peking pencil people personal pet pheasant photograph photographs photography photoshop physics pocket podcast politics porsche post posters Prado prank preview print print making printmakers printmaking prints project quantum quartz quattro quora racer racing radio 4 radio show rally Range rover rays red red bull Rene Magritte restoration review richard d james richard wislon ride Robert De Niro rolls royce room roots royal mile s turbo S1 Saab saint etienne salvage satellite satin scarf scene science scientific american scotland scottish scottish blue screaming screenprint sculpture sea Sebastian vettel Seiko select send send your enemies send your enemies packing send your friends september service ship shite shot show shows sidewalk surfer size skate skateboard skater sky socail media solar solarplate solid steel sound soundcloud spa space spanish speed sport springer spaniel story streamline stress study style styling stylised styrofoam summer sun sunny swing Sydney syria talenthouse talk tate team teardrop technology TED terrible the creators project the fox in the forest the Horror the sunday times think thoughtful time time-lapse tobermory top torino track trains tramway tt tune UK Uncategorized van vector video village vintage volkswagen VW walkies wallpaer war watch water weather website week wellbeing Werner Herzog white whitewalls wildlife wing wolseley work yum Labels List Numbered 16v 1936 1950s 1960s 1980 1980s 1983 1990s 20:50 2013 2013 at 10:02PM 500 70s 7A28 7A28 7020 7A28 703L 900 A View To A Kill acrylic agents Ai Weiwei alfa romeo alien aluminium america anglia antibes aphex twin appropriation architect architecture art art deco artfinder artforum artinfo artisit artist au rouge Audi australia auto autumn awards baby ball bbc beach beautiful beautiful Grandrieux behance bentley berlin best in class bezier biennale de lyon big brother bike bird birds birthday bishop black bloomberg blue bmw Boano board Bob book bookd box brain brainpickings buddy building calgary art in nature california calve camper canvas car cardboard carrozzeria castle combe cat champ chicken chilli china chinese christmas chrono chronograph circuit city civil clarke class classic classy clock club collage colour columbo competition contempoaray contemporaries contemporary costa concordia creativity creators custom cut-away cyan cyanotype cycles D-type dad daiichi daily dance daniel libeskind dario Dave dead deck definition Deleuze et les idées delivery design dimensions disaster dog drawing dreich drizzle dumped eastern ecosse ecurie edinburgh eggs ellsworth kelly embarrassing enemies engine oil engraving estate europe exhaust exhibition exhibitions extra F1 face facebook fair fall famous fashion fast ferrari festival fiat film filth fiona banner first fish flares food ford formula 1 forum france franchitti franken freaky funk free fresh frick collection friend friends frittata fruitmarket fukushima fun fungi funk funk off funk trunk funk you up funky monkey funny future gallerist gallery garlic geometric george orwell german gifts girl girls glasgow global Godard for Sarajevo golf good looking gorgeous Goya grey grid GTI guernica magazine hampsted happiness health helio helmet heritage highlights hilarious hip hop Hipster hobart hong kong hornet horny hot house houston hybrid hypnotise ICA ignobels illustration illustrator image indianapolis indy infiniti innovation Institute Benjamenta intaglio interview invisible irvine welsh island italian italy jacuzzi jaguar James Bond james mcavoy jan erik waider Jane Campion & Hilmar jenny holzer jewel jewels jim jim broadbent johhny cash joke jokes jonwayne José Guadalupe Posada Julian Sutherland-Beatson juxtapoz kate heiss Kelly McGonigal kensington land rover laptop funkers laser last good tooth latin laugh le mans life light Lincoln lindsay kelk livescience locomotives lol lolz london london elektric lotus love lovers map matthew cusick Maya Deren mexicanas Michael Schumaker migration Mike hawthorn miniature Miss Misery mk1 modern modified moebius MONA monza mother funker movement movies moving mull museum Museum of fine arts mushroom music Mustang nasa nature neon neurology new new town new york Nick Cave & Warren Ellis ninja tune noir nuclear ny October 22 octopus oil oil painting overlay oy oy oy packaging packing page paint painting paper paris pattern peking pencil people personal pet pheasant photograph photographs photography photoshop physics pocket podcast politics porsche post posters Prado prank preview print print making printmakers printmaking prints project quantum quartz quattro quora racer racing radio 4 radio show rally Range rover rays red red bull Rene Magritte restoration review richard d james richard wislon ride Robert De Niro rolls royce room roots royal mile s turbo S1 Saab saint etienne salvage satellite satin scarf scene science scientific american scotland scottish scottish blue screaming screenprint sculpture sea Sebastian vettel Seiko select send send your enemies send your enemies packing send your friends september service ship shite shot show shows sidewalk surfer size skate skateboard skater sky socail media solar solarplate solid steel sound soundcloud spa space spanish speed sport springer spaniel story streamline stress study style styling stylised styrofoam summer sun sunny swing Sydney syria talenthouse talk tate team teardrop technology TED terrible the creators project the fox in the forest the Horror the sunday times think thoughtful time time-lapse tobermory top torino track trains tramway tt tune UK Uncategorized van vector video village vintage volkswagen VW walkies wallpaer war watch water weather website week wellbeing Werner Herzog white whitewalls wildlife wing wolseley work yum Video of the day Follow this blog About SOLARPLATE PRINTS Blog Archive ► 2015 (15) ► November (1) ► August (8) ► July (2) ► June (4) ► 2014 (8) ► March (2) ► February (4) ► January (2) ► 2013 (381) ► December (8) ► November (32) ► October 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